13 Exercises Every Man Should Do to Improve His S*x Life

Want to give your sex life an added boost? It's as simple as hitting the gym. Exercise increases energy, tones your muscles, burns fat and improves your mood and self-image. But for more reasons than you may know, exercise can also improve your sex life. For instance, research shows that if you burn as little as 200 additional calories a day, you can lower your risk of erectile dysfunction. In addition to cardio and strength training, stretching is also loosens you up, enabling you to experiment with different positions. So even if you already have a pretty great sex life, try incorporating these 13 exercises and stretches into your workout routine and reap the benefits in the bedroom.

1 Kegels

You read that right. Kegels are a beneficial exercise for men, too. They improve endurance and control by toning and strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles (the muscles that stop the flow of urine) and the perineal muscles (the muscles that support erectile rigidity and provide the power behind ejaculation). “Pelvic floor muscle training can prove helpful in many situations: overactive bladder, erectile dysfunction [and] premature ejaculation," says Andrew L. Siegel, M.D., co-creator of the Private Gym pelvic floor muscle-training program for men. HOW TO DO THEM: Start by interrupting the flow of urine when going to the bathroom to get familiar with the PC muscles. Once you’re familiar with them, your goal will be to progressively increase the squeeze duration, intensity and number of reps until you tire. But when you do them, don’t hold your breath, push down or tighten your stomach, buttocks or thigh muscles. Work up to five-second squeezes, relaxing in between each contraction, for 10 to 20 reps.

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